About Africatown

Africatown is designed to become an economic development initiative to create jobs, for our youth, in Southwest Philadelphia, increase business ownership among the residents of the community and eliminate poverty in one of the most economically depressed communities in Philadelphia. To accomplish these objectives, Africatown, being developed in the community will become a "Tourist Destination Point " for the global African diaspora and other interested persons. Most of the infrastructure already exist in the southwest community, in which Africatown will be situated. Most important are the nearly 500 businesses owned by immigrants that live and work in the community. To accommodate the thousands of new visitors to southwest, additional infrastructure will be required, and several buildings will be proposed to attract businesses, tourist, and shoppers to patronize the many immigrant businesses on the commercial corridors in Africatown.


The Technical Assistance Center

Phila AfricatownThe Technical Assistance Center

The Technical Assistance will help businesses in Africatown, and the African Diaspora at large grow and expand globally. Access to assistance will be tailored based on an analysis of each business. Technical assistance services to be provided include:


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business growth with focus on Sales & Marketing, Finances,Management, Technology, Competition
  • Investment and Competition
  • Use of technology
  • Procurement
  • Access to funding
  • Mentoring and advisory services.


The Technical Assistance will collaborate with local universities, businesses, state and local agencies that focus on SME to build a curriculum that is tailored to meet the needs of the Black and Brown entrepreneurs and startups. From a mentorship perspective, the Technical Assistance Center will recruit and match experienced executives with entrepreneurs to help them build compelling business plans to gain access to the funding they need to launch or grow their businesses.